Golden Account

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Playing Faloria is completly free for anyone.
If you want to support the development and upkeep of Faloria you can purchase Golden Account.
Here are some details and the list of benefits from Golden Account.

Golden Account Scrolls are obtainable from the shop for Faloria Coins, there are available three types of Scrolls:
1. Golden Account Scroll(30 days) for 75 Faloria Coins.
2. Golden Account Scroll(90 days) for 215 Faloria Coins.
3. Golden Account Scroll(180 days) for 420 Faloria Coins.
You can order Faloria Coins for real money by logging on Faloria website or you can try to find the seller ingame.


  • Unlocked second task slot.
  • Upgraded character light radius (unlimited 'utevo lux' light).
  • Ability to rent a house and use beds.
  • Ability to trade with Rashid.
  • Access to "premium" outfits.
  • Possibility to buy 5th Blessing, 'The Wisdom of Solitude' from Eremo.

Anything else not mentioned is completely free, such as travelling with boats, carpet or steamboat, casting all spells, making all tasks, buying Promotion or sharing experience in party.