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On this page you will find information about the Farming system.
Through this new system, you will be able to sow seeds on farmland or directly inside your house through a Planting Pot.
When the seeds has completed growing you can harvest your crop from the plant that has formed.

Getting started

- Visit Sylvia Seedwright west of Stonehome to purchase seeds
- Talk to Seedwrights Assistance just upstairs of Sylvia Seedwright to get an introduction to farming
- Complete your training to gain access into the restricted garden with additional farmland
- Use a hoe on fertile dirt to then plant a seed inside it
- Crops planted on farmland can be harvested by any player when they have finished growing
- Seeds can also be planted into a Planting Pot that can be kept inside your house, preventing anyone else from harvesting it
- On farmland, each crop takes two hours to reach the final stage and yield one crop. After harvest, the fertile dirt requires one hour to reset
- In a Planting Pot, each crop takes two hours to reach the final stage and will yield up to two crops. There is no cooldown to plant again after harvest.

Seeds and plants

Name Weight Fishing Rod Fish Area
Agaric Mushroom Plant
Agaric Mushroom Seed
Agaric Mushroom
Carrot Plant
Carrot Seed
Chili Plant
Cucumber Plant
Cucumber Seed
Exotic Apple
Exotic Carrot
Exotic Tomato
Lettuce Plant
Lettuce Seed
Onion Plant
Onion Seed
Potato Plant
Potato Seed
Tomato Plant
Tomato Seed