Katana Quest

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Revision as of 10:50, 23 February 2023 by Hannibal (talk | contribs)
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Katana.png Katana Quest
Reward: Katana and Viking Helmet
Location: Rookgaard, Rotworms Dungeon under the graves
Level required: 1
Level recommended: 6
Be prepared to face: Snake, Spider, Bug, Wolf, Poison Spider, Skeleton, Rotworm
Legend: A Rookgaard warrior ventured into a cave, met monsters he couldn't defeat, and his loot can be found at the place of his death.
Warning-32px.png This article may contain quest spoiling information!



Go to the graves to the north-east of Rookgaard, and open the middle down one with a Shovel.

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Go down the hole, there will be 2 Spiders and one Poison Spider in this area. Follow the path west to a hole and jump into it.

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In this place you will meet 3 Skeletons. It is recommended that you kill them all before proceeding, as they will follow you and even block your way back. A safe way to kill them is to go to the south of the room and kill them one by one while standing in the narrow passage. Then go east until you will have a Poison Gas in front of you (green circle). Get prepared, as the next step might take time and some skills. Go through the Poison Gases, after passing all of them I would recommend to use Antidote Rune, (If you have Key 4603, skip this point) to get the Key 4603 face north. It is recommended to use defensive fighting mode here while running from the Rotworms. Key 4603 will be hidden in one of the dead bodies (blue circle). When you find it, go back south and enter the hole on east (white circle).

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Down there resides a single Skeleton. Slay it if you want, open the door with the Key 4603, and take the stairs down.

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There is a hidden lever behind the northern white pillar (blue circle). Use it to unlock the door (2 Skeletons and 1 Rotworm inside). It is best to wait for all creatures to get out of room, then run into the room and close the door behind. The treasure is hidden inside the fresh human corpses. Grab your Viking Helmet and Katana from them. Go back all the way in order to leave the cave.

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Go back to Rookgaard Quests.