Studded Legs Exchange

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Studded legs.png Studded Legs Exchange
Reward: Studded Legs
Location: Rookgaard
Level required: 1
Level recommended: 1
Be prepared to face: Rat
Legend: Someone really loves flowers, especially honey flowers...
Warning-32px.png This article may contain quest spoiling information!





Starting at the temple in Rookgaard, follow the road to the one of the Shopkeepers Lee'Delle to receive your prize for her favorite flowers.

Studded Legs Quest(exchange)1.png

Once you get to her, start the conversation:

NAME: hi

Lee'Delle: Hello, hello, NAME! Please come in, look, and buy!

NAME: honeyflower

Lee'Delle: Oh, thank you so much! Please take this piece of armor as reward.

NAME: bye

Lee'Delle: Bye, bye.

Studded Legs Quest(exchange)2.png

You received new pair of Studded Legs.

Go back to Exchange Quests.