Short Sword Exchange

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Short sword.png Short Sword Exchange
Reward: Short Sword
Location: Rookgaard
Level required: 1
Level recommended: 1
Be prepared to face: Rat
Legend: When Amber sailed to Rookgaard on her raft she forgot her notebook and now she wants it back.
Warning-32px.png This article may contain quest spoiling information!





Starting at the temple in Rookgaard, follow the road to the local Adventurer Amber and bring her notebook back.

Short Sword Quest(exchange)1.png

Once you go downstairs, enter the resting room to the north-east and talk to Amber:

NAME: hi

Amber: Oh hello, nice to see you NAME.

NAME: notebook

Amber: Do you bring me my notebook?

NAME: yes

Amber: Excellent. Here, take this short sword, that might serve you well.

NAME: bye

Amber: See you later.

Short Sword Quest(exchange)2.png

You received Short Sword.

Go back to Exchange Quests.