Legion Helmet Exchange

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Legion helmet.png Legion Helmet Exchange)
Reward: Legion Helmet
Location: Rookgaard
Level required: 1
Level recommended: 1
Be prepared to face: Rat
Legend: Seymour is searching for a suitable box that he wants to give to the king.
Warning-32px.png This article may contain quest spoiling information!





Starting at the temple in Rookgaard, follow the road to the local Librarian Seymour to bring him the Present Box

Present Box Quest(exchange)1.png

Once you reach him, start the conversation:

NAME: hi

Seymour: Hello, NAME. What do you need?

NAME: present box

Seymour: Do you have a suitable present box for me?

NAME: yes

Seymour: THANK YOU! Here is a helmet that will serve you well.

NAME: bye

Seymour: Good bye! And remember: No running up and down in the academy!

Present Box Quest(exchange)2.png

You received Legion Helmet.

Go back to Exchange Quests.