Antidote Rune Exchange

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Antidote rune.png Antidote Rune Quest(exchange)
Reward: Antidote Rune
Location: Rookgaard, town
Level required: 1
Level recommended: 1
Be prepared to face: Chicken
Legend: Billy will reward those who will help him!
Warning-32px.png This article may contain quest spoiling information!



If you find more Pans you can trade those too, Billy will take as much as u bring him .


Starting at the temple in Rookgaard, follow the road to the local Farmer Billy to give him missing Pan

Antidote Rune Quest(exchange)1.png

Once you reach him, start the conversation. NAME: hi

Billy: Howdy NAME.

NAME: pan

Billy: Have you found a pan for me?

NAME: yes

NAME: bye

Billy: Bye.

Antidote Rune Quest(exchange)2.png

Enjoy your well deserved Antidote Rune!

Go back to Rookgaard Quests.