Minotaur Hell Quest

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Carlin sword.png Minotaur Hell Quest
Reward: Carlin Sword, 4 Poison Arrows, 10 Arrows and a Fishing Rod
Location: Deep in Rookgaard underground.
Level required: 2
Level recommended: 6
Be prepared to face: Rat, Snake, Spider, Wolf, Troll, Orc, Minotaur
Legend: There is a book in Mino Hell saying: The mystic portal remains unstable so reinforcements from Mintwallin seldom arrive here. The royal mage managed to impress the primitive local orcs though and we can use them as slaves and runefodder. The trolls surrendered immediately and can be used for lesser services. The human base has to be destroyed since more and more arrive there. These enemies are not strong but their number might cause some problems. As long as they will be revived at this mystic vortex even they can ruin our plans. We have to figure out how to destroy the vortex first. The mage locked himself up in his quarters and wants not to be disturbed anymore. He entrusted me with the duty to coordinate all our actions here.
Warning-32px.png This article may contain quest spoiling information!



The monsters will overwhelm even well equipped players, mostly due to the number of them. Try to use simple techniques to single out monsters so they don't break your shielding. Using boxes can help, but the cave layout permits positioning yourself where only one or two creatures can attack you.


From the town, head north to the main Rookgaard cave.

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On the -1 floor, expect to find a Rat, a few Trolls and maybe some Spiders. Follow through the cave to the east until you reach a ladder going down.

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On the second underground floor (-2) you may find one or two Orcs. Head north, follow the first cross-section north-east, and second north-west until you reach another ladder.

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Descend to the third underground floor and you will be in the Wolf Maze. Follow the path north through the masses of Wolves and Orcs to reach another ladder.

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This is the beginning of Minotaur Hell. Watch out, when going down the ladder, there will be about 2 Minotaurs, 8 Orcs and some Wolves. There is a position to the north of the ladder where only two creatures will attack you (any more and your shielding will be broken and the damage of the third would only be mitigated by your armor). Once the floor is cleared you can go down the staircase to the final room.

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There are about 5 Minotaurs here and 3 Wolves. There are less places to pick the creatures off here, so you should bring at least one box. Once the room has been cleared, the three quest boxes are just to the west of the stairs, on the south walls of the cave.

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Go back to Rookgaard Quests.