Greenhollow Rotworm Cave Quest*

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Rotworm.png Greenhollow Rotworm Cave Quest
Reward: 46gp, Machete, 2 Mana Fluids, 2 Life Fluids
Location: Greenhollow, Rotworm Cave
Level required: 9
Level recommended: 9
Be prepared to face: Rotworm, Wolf
Warning-32px.png This article may contain quest spoiling information!



  • Boxes may be useful to defend yourself from Rotworms in the cave.


Starting from Lilac on Greenhollow, walk to the west. Open the hole using the Shovel (marked with white circle).

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Go down the hole. You will be attacked by 2 Rotworms there. You can run from them, but there will be another 2 or 3 Rotworms nearby the hole marked with white circle on the map below.

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You are down in -2 floor now, first defeat Rotworm, and then walk through the 3 Large Fire Fields marked in red on the map below. Keep walking to the west, there is another single Rotworm. Go one floor higher by using Rope.

Mana Fluids Quest3.png

There are 3 Rotworms up there, they are more likely surround you right away. You may use your Boxes, if you took them or try to hide yourself on the northern part of cave, behind the body with reward (white circle) and kill Rotworms one by one (for your own safety remember that, Rotworms aren't pushable!).

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Go back to Rookgaard Quests.